get empire ready

get empire ready ⋆



The 4 week mini-mind for bold and brilliant coaches who want to get their empire ready for dreamy clients coming into their orbit and money flowing into their Stripe account.

right now you’re not getting the momentum you need because your messaging is off, you’re flip-flopping on your niche, boring yourself with the constant self-doubt, and not selling - and you’re over playing small.

REAL TALK: The majority of people that you trained with won’t do anything with their coaching qualification. All of their business dreams will fade to dust when it comes to actually building a business. But obvs you’re not heading there! Because you’re here to take action to build your coaching business on a foundation of confidence and credibility.

Confidence and Credibility looks like having:

😍 Absolute clarity on your mission, niche and your messaging so that you can get consistent in shouting about what you do.

😍 A flagship offer and lead magnet that you feel excited about sharing and selling on the reg.

😍 A scroll-stopping personal brand for the fully booked coach that you are going to be. 

Buuuuuuuuuuut right now you are getting in your own way, procrastinating, scrolling and starting to expect less, when you know you’re made for f*cking more.


😥 You have been stuck in your ‘not sure of your niche era’ for months.
😥 You’re green with envy that some of the coaches that you trained with are giving off icon vibes while you’re still speaking to your mum on IG
😥 You can’t decide which font looks best so you grid looks like TK Maxx at closing time on a Saturday
😥 You tell yourself you’ll get round to sorting out your branding when you get some clients, but the clients aren’t coming.
😥 You know you’re playing small, even though you desperately want clients. Its a #headf*ck
😥You’re not selling your offer with gousto, because you can’t even remember what its called, never mind what it comprises.

You’re probably realising that all those exercises that you did in coach school aren’t giving you any clarity.

The freebies that you’re downloading along with all of the noise on social media has probably got you feeling overwhelmed.

Or even worse? You’re feeling like going back to your 9-5 might be the easier option.

but you didn’t come this far just to come this far!

what if there was a way that you could hack your coaching business for success?

I’ll be honest with you…

When I qualified as a coach I was sure that I was going to make six figures in my first year - because everyone else was right? 3 months later I was having to seriously consider going back to my corporate job because I just wasn't signing any clients. I was getting pressure to bring money in from my hubby, and hearing crickets on Instagram was killing me slowly.

So I tried...

❌ Manifesting clients and money

❌ Investing in high-ticket coaching programmes

❌ Offering my services at 50% off

But the results were mediocre! I knew that there had to be an easier way to attract clients, that could make me feel like i had a business and not just an expensive hobby!

 And that’s when I realised

There wasn't one silver bullet that was going to get my coaching business off the starting line. i decided that i wasn’t ever going back to my corporate job. instead i was going ‘all-in’. i was going to step into my big deal energy and i was going to do everything that it took to get fully booked.

In December of 2021

✅ I got fully booked in a difficult niche (18 x 1:1 clients)

✅ I had my first of many £10k months

✅ I became known as a 'rockstar coach' who gets 'life-changing results'

What got me there is a foundation of confidence and credibility



imagine how it will feel when you…

Are so clear on your mission, niche and your messaging that you leapfrog the struggling beginner coach stage and very quickly become known as the - go-to, getting invites to share your wisdom on podcasts, insta lives and speaking gigs.

Ditch the imposter syndrome and the overwhelm because you know how to tap into your big deal energy and do the needle moving activities with an easy breezy kinda vibe.

Aren’t needing to overthink your content every. single. day because you’re speaking from your heart to YOUR person, and they get you.

Have a flagship offer that you have so much confidence in, that you talk about it most days without even realising - it's an ick and cringe free zone!

Have the perfect lead magnet that is a runway to your flagship offer that people wanna download faster than Taylor Swifts new album

Have a brand that is your unique vibe, showcases you as an expert - that you’re proud to share.

Have absolute clarity on your business that makes you feel confident AF about putting yourself out there, so you get out there more!

you are ready to make this happen



The 4 week Mini-mind for bold and brilliant coaches who wanna create a business for the fully booked coach they are going to be.

here’s what’s on the inside…

Say goodbye to doing it alone and overthinking your arse off.

  • 5 x Live and high vibe Zoom trainings

  • Weekly group Q&A

  • Resources (worksheets and a treasure trove of templates)

  • Notion Board - 56 Insta Posts Ideas for Rockstar Coaches

  • FB group for community and reviews by me

Starting on Monday 17th June - Finishing Friday 12th July

  • Say adios to playing small and expecting lacklustre results, and hello to being in your big deal energy and expecting your business to deliver ALL the goods. In this training, we’ll hack your mindset to silence self-doubt and fear, unlock your potential, and help you embody the woman who fulfils it daily. Because SHE is the woman who is going to bring home your fully booked coaching business.

  • Not being clear on your niche and being vague in your messaging is costing you clients and keeping you stuck, and we can’t have that when you have an empire to build! In this training, we're diving deep to find that golden thread amidst the confusion. We're transforming it into messaging that stops the scroll and speaks directly to your dreamy ideal clients.

  • It's time to create the backbone of your expert brand, your personal brand kit! To be scroll-stopping you have to stand-out from the crowd, and the best way to do this is by tapping into your own unique awesomeness! In this training we are going to create your unique brand kit as well as your big deal energy giving outfits, and your ‘association anchors’ - these are your signature elements that make people think of YOU instantly

  • It’s time to create an offer that you are excited to sell, because baby if you’re not excited about it - no one else will be! In this training, we are going to craft your unique offer that:

    - Lights you up from the inside out

    - Aligns perfectly with your passion and expertise

    - Attracts your dream clients effortlessly

  • You’ve got your flagship offer, now it’s time to create a freebie/lead magnet that will help your ideal clients come into your orbit and want to know more about your flagship offer! The days of creating one page PDFs are over, if you want people to see you as someone worth giving their time to you gotta give them something that showcases your authority and make them feel like it’s something they would’ve paid for. Which is exactly what we’re going to create in this training!

Look deep down you feel that you're meant for something greater, yet find yourself holding back out of fear and self-doubt. 

Going into 2024 you told yourself THIS would be the year you make bigger moves

  • Launch a group programme

  • Hire a VA

  • Become a sought after speaker

  • Host retreats

But here we are half way through 2024 and those big goals you set… well they’re not any closer.

The problem isn’t you.

The truth is that your coaching qualification was never meant to show you how to set up a coaching business for success.

It was only meant to teach you how to coach.


is the answer.

… here’s what other coaches have to say

so are you ready to get this show on the road?

hit the button you were born for this


hit the button you were born for this 🔥

£579 PIF or £193 x 3 payments

supercharged vip!
includes 90min 1:1 + brand kit by me
£979 pif or 326 x 3

limited spots available


limited spots available 🔥

Meet your mentor

Hi. I’m Leanne, a Business Coach and Hype Woman for women that wanna be bold AF, set audacious business goals and get out of their own way to achieve them.

I’ve been in the industry for over 4 years now and in that time I’ve gotten fully booked in 2 very different niches, had multiple five figure months, and helped countless women all over the world create a life and business that is straight off their vision board.

My superpower is being able to see all of your magnificent potential and being able to help you embody it all very quickly. So many clients have said that working with me is ‘life changing’, which I am owning the sh*t out of. Because it is. Having me in your corner empowers you to create the business, lifesyle and impact that you have been eyeing up for a while but just haven’t been able to make happen on your own.

See how working with me has transformed the lives and businesses of other powerhouses:

my life has totally changed!

Emily Armitage, Business Coach and Human Design Translator

Working with Leanne has been the best decision I've made in my entire life.

Emilie Nutley, Money and Wealth Coach

Here’s who supercharged! is PERFECT for

I am sending a flare up to women who:

✔️Are fast action takers, not excuse makers

✔️Want pinch-me moments created by their business

✔️Are done with playing small

✔️Know they are capable af but have some old beliefs holding them back

✔️Wanna be iconic

✔️Wanna be the expert in their niche


What time are the live calls?

The exact dates are yet to be determined, however the live calls will be on an afternoon 1pm BST, 8am EST. All will be recorded so that you don’t miss out on any thang!

When does the earlybirdie pricing end?
Early bird pricing ends at 8pm BST / 3pm EST on Thursday 6th June. After that - full price.

What date does it start?

The mini-mind begins on Monday 17th June until Friday 12th July. Just in time for the UK summer hols!

I can’t make it to some of the mini-mind because of travel/existing engagements. Can I still access the material afterwards?

Totally! You will have permanent access to all of the content.

How is this different to other courses?

SUPERCHARGED! is a fast but deep mini-mind. You don't have to wait months or even years before you start making money. You may have seen other business coaches that bulk out their offer and the duration of the course just so that they can charge a premium. It doesn't have to be that way. Inside of SUPERCHARGED! I am helping you get the must-haves nailed so that you can take action and get momentum quickly. 

What if i’m not a qualified coach yet, can I still join?

Hell yes you can! In fact this would be the perfect opportunity to get clear on your business, step into your big deal energy and hit the ground running when you get qualified!

I’m already overwhelmed and low on time - how full on is this?

Supercharged! is all killer no filler, you won’t be getting a numb bum watching any of the trainings darling! There is 1 x training call and 1 x Q&A call to attend per week (both optional obvs!) which will be recorded so that you can hit the glorious double speed button if you wanna. Implementation time - well that depends on you and how fast you move. You will have 1 week to implement each module so it is up to you whether you do it in 1 hour all at once or take it a little bit more slowly. While you‘re in my world we make decisions and take action quickly - you’re not going to be stuck in analysis paralysis or overthinking mode, because you have an empire to build!

I’ve got a successful coaching biz but I love the sound of this - can I join?

OMG of course! Supercharged! is also perfect for coaches that just wanna refine what they are doing to make sure that it is aligned with what they really want, and relaunch with a whole new vibe!

I’m not that good with tech - does that matter?
To be able to get the most out of Supercharged! You will need to know how to use Canva - you don’t need to be confident, but you will need to know the basics.

I’ve made some disappointing investments in the past, how can I be sure that this isn’t going to be one of them?

Supercharged! has been curated based on my experience of helping well over 100 women get their coaching businesses off the ground. The processes that I use inside of my programmes are tried and tested. There are no fluffy extras or random add-ons just to bulk out this offering. Most importantly to me, is that you will never be just a name on my Stripe account. Each and every woman that joins Supercharged! will be cared for, held and nurtured into creating a coaching business that maximises her potential . 

How much access do I get to you?

I will be inside of the Facebook group Monday - Friday at least twice per day, as well as being on the live training and Q&A calls.

What if I don’t have/use Facebook?

I highly recommend you create an account just for logging into the group. You don’t have to “use” it in a social way otherwise.