emily armitage


 Where were you before in terms of mindset and business before we worked together?

I was feeling very stuck, frustrated and sad. I think I almost cried on our discovery call! I couldn't get my business off the ground and was stuck in a negative self-evidencing pattern AND couldn't give up either so it was all very miserable.


Where are you now? How have your business and your mindset shifted since working together? Share your wins!! 

OMG where do I even start! I'm in a totally different place. I have paying clients, I have a wait list, I have a new website, new branding which feels way more me. I have money coming in. I've quit my day job. My inner critic isn't as loud. My life has totally changed.


What have you found to be most valuable and/or illuminating about working with me?

You seeing my potential and power even when I couldn't see it and pushing me (nicely) to take action to get there. Breaking the pattern and creating new evidence has been wild, and probably the most illuminating.


If you were talking about me to another human looking to build their business what would you say? 

Working with Leanne has totally changed my life. I've gone from having a business that wasn't functioning, to having paying clients, an ecosystem that works and I've been able to quit my day job. If you've thinking about working with Leanne, do it. She's the best.