marie monville


 What was it that made you wanna work with me? 

I was drawn to your confidence and branding. It was the combo, because they were two things I desperately needed.


How would you describe your experience of working with me? 

You’ve helped me change EVERYTHING. You saw me. You saw who I was even though I wasn’t conveying it well (branding) and online presence. And then, once I began to see what you saw, we worked together to recreate everything else. We built packages (instead of booking one-off sessions), launched a masterclass, and maxed out my program! 

But it’s more than the tactical application of all the things we changed. All the while the things were changing outside of me, deep work was happening inside. I gained a confidence that has stayed. I can do BIG things, and I’ve done so many of them since we began working together. I don’t hesitate to say “YES!” to my goals. I don’t second guess my ideas. I simply say yes and take the first step.


What are you most proud of doing together?

I’m so glad you encouraged me to do the branding photo session because my website looks AMAZING and the photos capture everything about me. I love my online presence. It’s fun, captivating, and everything I am.


If you were talking about me to another human looking to build their business what would you say? 

WORK WITH LEANNE!  You have no idea what you’re missing and all she’ll help you discover within you. You need a BFF, cheerleader, mentor, branding master, and strategically inventive powerhouse in your corner. Doing everything by yourself is way too hard, and unnecessary. Let Leanne help you step into the business you’ve always wanted.


What do you think my superpower is?

Seeing the truth within your clients. You see them. And then you set out on a mission to help them own it.