Instagram Threads: Distraction or a Gamechanger?

First Impressions of Instagram's New App - Threads

So yesterday, Instagram launched a new app - Threads. As a business coach, I eye-rolled, took a deep breath… and then signed up. It was like the first day of school or university, where everyone else seems to know what they’re doing and you’re trying to play it cool and not look too desperate for friends. In the corner of my eye, I saw an insta buddy @annaloisdavies and she ran over and said a virtual hello. Yay, I had a friend in this new social media platform! I wasn’t a loser (promise).

Drowned by the Wave of Posts

I posted a few things on Threads and then went back to creating content for Instagram. When I found the app again on my phone (I hadn’t bothered to put it on my beloved home screen yet), the amount of posts coming at me felt just like being in the sea and being pushed off my feet by a massive wave and getting that fuzzy head feeling when you have inhaled some water.

Thoughts and Opinions Overload?

So I’m not used to all of the thoughts and opinions that are shared. And quite frankly I’m not sure if I need to know everyones business 24/7. I don’t wish anyone any harm and I love free speech, but I don’t really need to know about your nose ring or your current interior crush. Because the truth is it will distract me from my life and I’ve got sh*t to do.

Building a Rockstar Coaching Empire: Choose Your Channels

I’m a mum of 2 building a rockstar coaching empire and my dream home, if I was on every app, channel and medium I would not have a life. When you’re building a business you can’t do it all (unless you have a team). Let me repeat that, YOU CAN’T DO IT ALL ALONE. Decide what channels you actually enjoy and feel easy-ish (for me its insta and email) and just go for it on them! 

Sovereign of Your Own Business: You Decide

Resist the pressure of doing MORE in your business just because everyone else is doing it (trust me, I've had countless people telling me to jump on Tik Tok, but I can’t be arsed). Do what feels right for YOU. Remember, you are the sovereign of your own life and business. You’re not back at school. Your worthiness doesn't need validation, you were born good enough.

No Silver Bullet for Business Growth

As for me and Threads, it’s still somewhere on my phone, but I'm a firm believer that no app, no single tool is a silver bullet for business growth. 

Creating a Rockstar Coaching Business: The Pillars

Creating your rockstar coaching business requires;

A bespoke strategy to bring clients into your orbit and love you so much they wanna work with you.

A hell of a lot of mindset work so that you can stop procrastinating your arse off and start taking up space.

Motivation, action and a determination to do the stretchy thing even when it feels like you’d rather die.

Consistency, Connection, and Conversion: The Real Game-Changers

In my years as a coach, I’ve learned that the real game-changers are consistency, connection, and conversion. It's not about being everywhere, it's about being impactful where you are. It's about owning your worth and power, understanding your clients (their language, their problems and their desires), and showing up for them on repeat with your own magnetic vibe.

The Rockstar Coaching Program: Cutting Through Distractions

That's exactly what I teach in my Rockstar Coaching Program. This program is designed to help coaches like you cut through the distractions and get straight to the heart of what will actually move your business forward. We focus on tangible steps and mindset shifts, not trends, to bring clients into your orbit on repeat.

Your Thoughts on Threads?

So, what about you my love? Are you on Threads? Thoughts on it? Will it be getting on your home screen?


Top 5 Actions You can take today to bring clients into your orbit!


Do you ever worry about this happening to your kids?