The truth about needing to be productive...all of the time

So many of us mums think we need to be productive all of the time, and we really don’t! So often we don’t even know why we believe this, usually it's linked to some long held belief that being productive correlates to our sense of worthiness, and in particular for mums it shows up in a way that means we can’t give ourselves permission to relax until we have been productive ‘enough’. The thing is, as a parent there is ALWAYS something else that you could be doing to be ‘productive’ and switching off is usually at the bottom of our to-do list!

So many of my mum clients feel that they’re not productive enough, when in actual fact they’re at maximum capacity with all of the tabs open in their brain, and doing way too much with almost zero down time to switch off and recharge!

I really think that this push to be productive all of the time is another way in which mum guilt pecks away at our heads. Mum guilt tells you that you’re not doing or being enough and it loves telling you you’re not being productive enough!

⚡️I urge you to think about why you are striving to be productive all of the time and ask yourself will you really feel better doing all of the things or would you actually feel so much better if you allowed yourself some time not being productive at all!

💛Go on my love, schedule some non-productive time into your weekly routine and stick two fingers up at your mum guilt 👊🏻

Image credit to @artsyaffirmations


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