This is your Sliding Doors moment darling.

I'm guessing that you've seen the 90s movie Sliding Doors? In the movie, there are two storylines showing two paths that Gwyneth Paltrow's character's life could take depending on whether she catches the train. I love the movie and have seen it so many times (and actually wanna watch it again after writing this!).


Right here, right now could be your sliding doors moment, and your life could take two very different paths depending on what you do next.


Live life to the full

The first path is one in which you decide that you are done with feeling stuck and lost and not living the life you want to lead. You decide that change is required and that the first thing to do is change how you feel about yourself because when you do that, it changes the trajectory of your whole f*cking life. Spending your whole life feeling not good enough, being your own worst enemy and playing small is not what you are on this earth to do, and it’s not something that you want your kids to learn from you either because you know it exacerbates feeling like crap. You want to be the best version of yourself and live life to the full, using all of your potential and ambition. You want to have genuine self-worth, love and confidence and not have any regrets about ditching things that don't make you feel good. You want to feel aligned and alive and know that you have grabbed life by the balls.


Stay stuck

The second path is one in which you decide to stay stuck in your old life and ways of thinking despite it not making you feel good. You continue to believe that you're not good enough and that you don't even really deserve the life that you have. You put up with many things because you have always been a martyr and think other people's needs matter more than your own. You stay stuck in your uncomfortable comfort zone, numbing out from life and staying small. You have little pings that you want more from life, but your brain quickly tells you that it's selfish and impossible, and you'd probably fail or look stupid. You think you don't have anything to offer, and never stop to ask yourself what you want from life. You compare yourself to others and think that what they have could never be your life because clearly, they're better than you. You believe that you've missed your chance to change and that a life of simple joys, happiness, success, purpose and abundance isn't possible for you. Because you probably don't deserve it.


The keys to happiness

With all of my heart, I hope that you choose the first option. Your best life is waiting for you, and all it takes is for you to do 3 things;

  1. Learn to turn the volume down on your inner critic

  2. Cultivate self-worth

  3. Do something that lights you up

You can do these 3 things alone, and I will offer you as much free content and cheerleading as I can to help you along. 


Can’t wait to get started?

But if you want to make the change in a super-quick time and go on one of the most transformative journeys you will ever have to create a life that you love and feel good in, then you should consider coming and doing my 1:1 coaching programme Winning at Life. 

Real results

These are some of the results that my clients would have missed out on if they had not chosen option 1 when they had their Sliding Doors moment;

  • Ask for and get a double promotion, £20k pay rise and a bonus

  • Do the work on themselves that they wish their parents had done

  • Open up a bakery in their dream location

  • Buy their dream home that they never thought was within reach financially

  • Start to date again

  • Get a new and more senior role that pays more money and fits around family life much better

  • Turn their hobby of video into a dream videography business

  • Have a guilt-free exercise routine that makes them feel alive

  • Break out of a toxic loop of self-criticism and comparison at work and accept that they are fab at their job

  • Ask for and get a pay rise, set boundaries at work so that they can switch off from work, be present with their son and get a fab work/life balance

  • Decide to leave a profession that didn’t light them up and do something that does

  • Leave their full-time job to launch their organisation business and set up a weekly women’s walking group

  • Be able to look in the mirror and think that they look good and find their love of style again

  • Get a new national role that they never thought was possible for them

  • Put an end to the diet that they have been on since they were 12

If you want to have the best f*cking life that you can, and if you're not living it right now I can help you. Book in for a free cuppa and chat session if you are coaching curious, or if you are ready to start your journey with me now apply here.

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